Virtual Tours
The statistics for virtual tours are very eye opening!
90% of buyers are more likely to call about properties with virtual tours
Homes with virtual tours sell 31% faster and for 9% more on average
54% of buyers won't consider a property without virtual images
50% of adult internet users use virtual tours when researching and deciding on a property
63% of homebuyers made an offer on a property they hadn't seen in person based on a virtual tour
If you look at the market this way, it is in the best interest of your client to make sure their property is exposed by the most means possible. As you can see, the statistics show that a virtual tour of a home for sale is vital for the timing of the sale, the most exposure possible and for the saturation of the market with your listing!
Click the photos below to be taken to virtual tours that are currently live and active that I did for my clients.