Who is JC Creations?
As a small boy growing up in the country rural area of north Alabama, I have always had a fascination with nature and exploring.. Seeing the world’s beauty through the eyes of a child. One day a gift was given to me that changed the way I looked at things in an instant, a camera. I was able to capture the unique views I had, in the way I saw the world. And even though the pictures didn’t come out quite as well as I had seen them, they were from my perspective, my vison. Now with decades of photo taking I have been able to not only capture what I can see but even add more majestic beauty to each snapshot my camera captures. I created this business unfortunately out of necessity due to a life changing injury, but this necessity and hobby is a blessing through and through. The old adage of if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life is so true!
So, I offer my photography services for real estate, drone services, beach sessions, senior photos, corporate headshots, family photos and much, much more. I love what I do and learn each day from every photo taken. Let my love, passion and vision be there for you when you need it! Call or email so I can assist you with your photography needs!
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!